Send the following commands via SSH:
ssh <drac hostname or IP> 'racadm getsysinfo'
You can even redirect it to a file on your local system:
ssh <drac hostname or IP> 'racadm getsysinfo' | tee -a /path/to/file.txt
Reboot Guest OS (the OS installed on the hardware)
Connect to the Dell Remote Access Controller (Drac) IP address via SSH. Then execute:
racadm serveraction <action>
whereas you replace <action> with one of the following:
- powerdown — Powers down the managed system.
- powerup — Powers up the managed system.
- powercycle — Issues a power-cycle operation on the managed system. This action is similar to pressing the power button on the system’s front panel to power down and then power up the system.
- powerstatus — Displays the current power status of the server (“ON”, or “OFF”)
- hardreset — Performs a reset (reboot) operation on the managed system.
So, to power off and back on your server, you just type racadm serveraction powercycle.
If your Drac crashes for any reason, you may want to reset it: (more info)
racadm racreset soft
If you want to have information about your current server, type:
racadm getsysinfo(from:
How to reboot an DELL idrac when web page refuse access:
Connect to idrac IP using ssh with the password refused by web page
$ ssh root@ root@'s password:
The magic DELL tool is here : radadm
/admin1-> racadm =============================================================================== RACADM version 1.80 (Build 17) Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Dell, Inc. All Rights Reserved =============================================================================== RACADM usage syntax: racadm <subcommand> <options> Examples: racadm getsysinfo racadm getsysinfo -d racadm getniccfg racadm setniccfg -d racadm setniccfg -s racadm getconfig -g cfgLanNetworking Display a list of available subcommands for the RAC: racadm help Display more detailed help for a specific subcommand: racadm help <subcommand> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So to reboot :
/admin1-> racadm racreset soft RAC reset operation initiated successfully. It may take up to a minute for the RAC to come back online again. /admin1-> Connection to closed by remote host. Connection to closed.