While posting this script I see places that could be improved, simplified, and commented. I may or may not come back and dress it up a bit... time permitting.
This script is called "IvansTool":
#!/bin/bash #IvansTool # #------------------------------------------ # # Ivan Lawrence # written: Jan 26, 2010 # #------------------------------------------ # # >>FUNCTIONS<< function if0 { if [ -z $1 ] then echo "No empty variables!" echo "$2 was empty!" exit 0 #else # echo "$2 = $1" fi } function pause { read -p "Press the [ENTER] or [RETURN] key to continue or CTR+C to cancel..." } # # See what Productions have a mounted volume function listProd { GetProd=$(df -H | grep /data/ | awk -F" " '{print $5}' | awk -F"/" '{print $3}' | sort -d) select ProdName in $GetProd do if [[ -n $ProdName ]] then break else echo "Select a number..." fi done } # # See which users have been created function listUser { GetUser=$(grep /data/ /etc/passwd | awk -F":" '{print $1}' | sort -d) select username in $GetUser do if [[ -n $username ]] then break else echo "Select a number..." fi done } # # create a password from a limited "alphabet" excluding confusing chars function passwordGen { unset PASS MATRIX="123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz!@#$%&*?-_=+)(}{][><" LENGTH="8" n=1 while [ "$n" -le "$LENGTH" ] do RealRand=$(dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | cksum | cut -f1 -d" ") PASS="$PASS${MATRIX:$(($RealRand%${#MATRIX})):1}" #echo "$PASS" let n+=1 done password=$PASS } # # create a password from a limited "alphabet" excluding confusing chars and in a human friendly pattern function custPassGen { unset PASS MATRIX="123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz!@#$%&*?-_=+)(}{][><" Cap="ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ" Low="abcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz" Punc="!@#$%&*?-_=+)(}{][><" Num="123456789" LENGTH="9" n=1 while [ $n -le "$LENGTH" ] do RealRand=$(dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | cksum | cut -f1 -d" ") # PASS="$PASS${MATRIX:$(($RealRand%${#MATRIX})):1}" if [[ (($n > 3)) && (($n < 7)) ]] then PASS="$PASS${Cap:$(($RealRand%${#Cap})):1}" # echo "$PASS" fi if [[ (($n < 3)) ]] then PASS="$PASS${Low:$(($RealRand%${#Low})):1}" # echo "$PASS" fi if [[ (($n == 3)) || (($n == 7)) ]] then PASS="$PASS${Punc:$(($RealRand%${#Punc})):1}" # echo "$PASS" fi if [[ (($n > 7)) ]] then PASS="$PASS${Num:$(($RealRand%${#Num})):1}" # echo "$PASS" fi let n+=1 # echo $n done password=$PASS } function emailRootAdminemail { # experimental: I have not tested this loop for sending email to root per account! emailDir=Scripts address=root if [ -f $emailDir/ftp_email_body ] then sh $emailDir/ftp_email_body $1 $2 > $emailDir/ftpemail mail $address -s "FTP account created: $1" < $emailDir/ftpemail rm $emailDir/ftpemail else echo "can't find $emailDir/ftp_email_body" fi } function passGen { echo "Either a totally random password:" passwordGen echo $password echo "Or a formulaic password:" echo "(lower x2, special x1, capital x3, special x1, integer x2)" custPassGen echo $password } function diskUsage { echo "Display usage for" echo "A - All" echo "P - a Production" echo "L - Logins in a Production" read usageChoice case $usageChoice in A | a ) echo "Dir Size Used Avail Use% " df -h | grep /data/ | awk -F" " '{print $5,$1,$2,$3,$4}' | sort -d ;; P | p ) listProd echo "Dir Size Used Avail Use% " df -h /data/$ProdName | grep /data/ | awk -F" " '{print $5,$1,$2,$3,$4}' ;; L | l ) listProd echo "*note: This could take a long time depending on the volume size" du -ch --max-depth=1 /data/$ProdName | awk -F"/" '{print $1,$4}' | grep -v lost+found ;; * ) echo "Enter your selection." ;; esac } function rawSpace { PEtotal=$(pvdisplay /dev/sdb1 | grep Total | awk '{print $3}') PEfree=$(pvdisplay /dev/sdb1 | grep Free | awk -F" " '{print $3}') PEsize=$(pvdisplay /dev/sdb1 | grep "PE Size" | awk -F" " '{print $4}') GBfree=$(((($PEfree*32)-30627)/1024)) GBtotal=$(((($PEtotal*32)-30627)/1024)) echo "$GBfree GB free out of $GBtotal GB" } function usersFromCSV { echo "If you used scp to get the file here I can move the file from your home dir to root's" GetSSHuserhome=$(grep /home/ /etc/passwd | grep nologin -v | awk -F":" '{print $1}' | sort -d) select SSHuserhome in $GetSSHuserhome root do if [[ -n $SSHuserhome ]] then break else echo "Select a number..." fi done if [[ $SSHuserhome == "root" ]] then UserHomeCSV=$(find /$SSHuserhome -name *.csv) else UserHomeCSV=$(find /home/$SSHuserhome -name *.csv) if [[ -f $UserHomeCSV ]] then read -p "Move $UserHomeCSV to /root for use? (y/n) " moveCSV if [[ $moveCSV == "y" || $moveCSV == "Y" ]] then mv $UserHomeCSV /root/ else echo "Try again." exit fi else echo "No CSV file found in $SSHuserhome Try Again" exit fi fi echo "CSV must have no headers and be formatted: ProductionName, size (# in GB only), username, password, (additional info ignored)" echo "Make sure there are no empty fields, empty lines, or unwanted spaces in lines!" echo "*NOTE* You will enter VIM to edit the file, to remove lines navigate to the line to be deleted and strike the letter d twice." echo "To exit VIM and continue strike ESC the type :q to quit, if changes have been made strike ESC then type :wq." FindCSV=$(find /root -name *.csv) read -p "I've found $FindCSV, would you like to use it? [y/n] " useResult if [[ $useResult == "y" || $userResult == "Y" ]] then vim $FindCSV CSVFILE=$FindCSV else read -p "Path to CSV for user creation:" CSVFILE fi if0 $CSVFILE "CSVFILE" read -p "Would you like a form email for each account sent to the admin account? [y/n] " sendRootEmail echo "About to use File: $CSVFILE to create volumes and user accounts" pause if [ -f $CSVFILE ] then exec < $CSVFILE while read line do TODAY=$(date +"%Y%m%d") TIME=$(date +"%H%M") ProductionName=$(echo $line | awk -F, '{print $1}') size=$(echo $line |awk -F, '{print $2}') username=$(echo $line | awk -F, '{print $3}') password=$(echo $line | awk -F, '{print $4}') if0 $ProductionName "ProductionName" if0 $size "size" if0 $username "username" if0 $password "password" echo "File entry = $ProductionName, $size G, $username, $password" if [ -d /data/$ProductionName ] then CHKVolGroup=$(lvdisplay | grep $ProductionName | awk -F" " '{print $3}') echo "Logical Volume already exists! ($CHKVolGroup)" else echo "Creating the volume for $ProductionName" lvcreate -L $size"g" -n $ProductionName VolGroupData mkfs.ext3 /dev/mapper/VolGroupData-$ProductionName mkdir /data/$ProductionName mount /dev/VolGroupData/$ProductionName /data/$ProductionName cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backups/fstab.$TODAY$TIME echo "/dev/VolGroupData/$ProductionName /data/$ProductionName ext3 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab echo "Created volume: $ProductionName = $size G" fi id -un $username if [ $? == 0 ] then echo "User $username already exists!" echo "$password" | passwd $username --stdin echo "The password for $username has been updated to $password" # experimental: I have not tested this loop for sending email to root per account! if [[ $sendRootEmail == "y" || $sendRootEmail == "Y" ]] then emailRootAdminemail $username $password fi else useradd -m -d /data/$ProductionName/$username $username echo "$password" | passwd $username --stdin echo "User created: $username / $password" # experimental: I have not tested this loop for sending email to root per account! if [[ $sendRootEmail == "y" || $sendRootEmail == "Y" ]] then emailRootAdminemail $username $password fi fi #end while loop done if [[ $sendRootEmail == "y" || $sendRootEmail == "Y" ]] then echo "Accounts have been created and emails sent" else echo "Accounts have been added but no email sent" echo "NOTE: if you had answered Y to the erlier email question but are seeing this there was a problem" fi read -p "Delete $CSVFILE? (y/n) " CSVFileDEL echo "$CSVFILE and $CSVFileDEL" if [[ $CSVFileDEL == "y" || $CSVFileDEL == "Y" ]] then rm $CSVFILE else echo "*WARNING*: CSV file ($CSVFILE) still exists!" fi else echo "file not found" exit 0 fi } function userAdd { echo "Add a Single User to an existing Production Partition" echo "Select the Production:" listProd if0 $ProdName "ProdName" read -p "Username: " username if0 $username "username" custPassGen read -p "Use password $password [y] or create your own? [(c)reate]" genpass if0 $genpass "genpass" if [ $genpass == "c" ] || [ $genpass == "create" ] then read -p "Password: " password if0 $password "password" fi read -p "Add $username to $ProdName using password $password ? [y/n]: " adduser if0 $adduser "adduser" if [ $adduser != "y" ] then echo "No user added" exit 0 else if [ -d /data/$ProdName ] then id -un $username if [ $? == 0 ] then echo "User $username already exists!" exit 0 else useradd -m -d /data/$ProdName/$username $username echo "$password" | passwd $username --stdin echo "User created: $username / $password" emailDir=Scripts address=dl-bur-serveradmin@starz.com if [ -f $emailDir/ftp_email_body ] then sh $emailDir/ftp_email_body $username $password > $emailDir/ftpemail mail $address -s "FTP account created: $username" < $emailDir/ftpemail rm $emailDir/ftpemail else echo "can't find $emailDir/ftp_email_body" fi fi else echo "Production does not exist!" exit 0 fi fi } function userProdAdd { TODAY=$(date +"%Y%m%d") TIME=$(date +"%H%M") echo "Add a new Production Partition and user." echo "ProductionName (all one word)" echo "Capitalize the 1st letter of each word:" echo "(ex: PostProd, IT, or Simpsons) " read ProductionName if0 $ProductionName "ProductionName" read -p "Usable Gigs for $ProductionName: " size if0 $size "size" read -p "Username: " username if0 $username "username" #read -p "Password: " password #if0 $password "password" custPassGen read -p "Use password $password [y] or create your own? [(c)reate]" genpass if0 $genpass "genpass" if [ $genpass == "c" ] || [ $genpass == "create" ] then read -p "Password: " password if0 $password "password" fi #Check to see if the Production has a DIR if [ -d /data/$ProductionName ] then CHKVolGroup=$(lvdisplay | grep $ProductionName | awk -F" " '{print $3}') echo "Logical Volume / Production already exists! ($CHKVolGroup)" echo "Use a different Production name or choose 'Add a user to a Production'" exit 0 else echo "create the volume" #create the Logical Volume lvcreate -L $size"g" -n $ProductionName VolGroupData mkfs.ext3 /dev/mapper/VolGroupData-$ProductionName mkdir /data/$ProductionName mount /dev/VolGroupData/$ProductionName /data/$ProductionName cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backups/fstab.$TODAY$TIME echo "/dev/VolGroupData/$ProductionName /data/$ProductionName ext3 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab echo "Created volume: $ProductionName = $size G" fi id -un $username if [ $? == 0 ] then echo "User $username already exists!" echo "Try Again!" exit 0 else useradd -m -d /data/$ProductionName/$username $username echo "$password" | passwd $username --stdin echo "User created: $username / $password" emailDir=Scripts address=dl-bur-serveradmin@starz.com if [ -f $emailDir/ftp_email_body ] then sh $emailDir/ftp_email_body $username $password > $emailDir/ftpemail mail $address -s "FTP account created: $username" < $emailDir/ftpemail rm $emailDir/ftpemail else echo "can't find $emailDir/ftp_email_body" fi fi } function userDel { echo "This will remove the FTP share and it's data" listUser usernameHome=$(grep $username /etc/passwd | cut -d ':' -f6) id -un $username if [ $? == 0 ] then echo $username"'s home dir is " $usernameHome echo "If you want to also remove the Production partition then abort and choose that option." read -p "Continue removing only this user and it's data? [y/n]: " continue if [ $continue != "y" ] then echo "Nothing removed" else userdel -r $username echo "User $username has been deleted!" fi else echo "User $username does not exist!" exit 0 fi } function userProdDel { TODAY=$(date +"%Y%m%d") TIME=$(date +"%H%M") echo "Which production will you be destroying today?" echo "Remember, this can not be undone!" listProd if0 $ProdName "ProdName" ProdNameCK=$(grep "/data/$ProdName" /etc/fstab) if [ -z "$ProdNameCK" ] then echo "Production does not exists!" exit 0 else echo "The production has an entry in /etc/fstab of:" grep $ProdName /etc/fstab | cut -d ' ' -f1,2 ProdNameFSTAB1=$(grep $ProdName /etc/fstab | cut -d ' ' -f1) ProdNameFSTAB2=$(grep $ProdName /etc/fstab | cut -d ' ' -f2) echo "The usernames associated with that Volume are:" ProdNamePASSWD=$(grep $ProdName /etc/passwd | cut -d ':' -f1) for u in $ProdNamePASSWD do echo "$u" done echo "Are you sure you want to continue?" echo "*** If there is no entry in /etc/fstab for $ProdName then do not continue!" echo "Check your spelling and try again (use the command df -H to list all volumes in use)" echo "Continuing will remove all the data in the FTP share(s) under $ProdName." read -p "Delete $ProdNameFSTAB2 **note: Once done you can not go back! [y/n] " answer1 if [ $answer1 != "y" ] then exit else echo "Now deleteing $ProdNameFSTAB2 from the server" read -p "Remove users: $ProdNamePASSWD [y/n]: " userdel if [ $userdel != "y" ] then echo "user not deleted" else for u in $ProdNamePASSWD do userdel -r $u echo "User $u has been deleted!" done fi cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backups/fstab.$TODAY$TIME grep $ProdNameFSTAB2 /etc/fstab >> /etc/fstab.removed echo $TODAY-$TIME >> /etc/fstab.removed grep -v $ProdNameFSTAB2 /etc/fstab > /etc/fstab.tmp cp /etc/fstab.tmp /etc/fstab umount $ProdNameFSTAB2 lvremove $ProdNameFSTAB1 read -p "Remove the DIR (rm -r $ProdNameFSTAB2) [y/n]: " dirrm if [ $dirrm != "y" ] then echo "dir not deleted" else rm -r $ProdNameFSTAB2 fi echo "******** DONE ********" fi fi } function volExtend { echo "*Warning - Use caution, there is no checking so be sure your math is correct!*" echo "Which production needs more space?" listProd LVPath=$(lvdisplay | grep $ProdName | awk '{print $3}') CurrentSize=$(df -h | grep /data/$ProdName | awk '{print $1}' | sed s/.$//) echo "You've selected $ProdName which is currently $CurrentSize G in size." read -p "Please specify the new total (in Gigs)? " NewSize echo "About to expand $ProdName (currently $CurrentSize G) to $NewSize G" pause #if [[ $CurrentSize -lt $NewSize ]] #then lvextend -L $NewSize"g" $LVPath resize2fs $LVPath #else # echo "Error: Cannot srink the volume, the New size must be larger then the current size!" #fi } function passReset { custPassGen read -p "Use password $password [y] or create your own? [(c)reate]" genpass if [[ $genpass == c ]] then read password else echo "using $password" fi echo "List by production or user" echo "P - Production" echo "U - User" read resetChoice case $resetChoice in P | p ) listProd ProdNamePASSWD=$(grep $ProdName /etc/passwd | cut -d ':' -f1) echo "Reset all the users passwords?" for u in $ProdNamePASSWD do echo "Reset $u to $password" done pause for u in $ProdNamePASSWD do echo "$password" | passwd $u --stdin echo "User $u password = $password" done ;; U | u ) listUser read -p "reset $username password to $password [y/n]" ResetPass if [[ $ResetPass == y ]] then echo "$password" | passwd $username --stdin echo "user / pass is now $username / $password" else exit fi ;; * ) echo "Enter your selection." ;; esac } function emailtest { echo "enter the username/password you would like included in the FTP Account form email" read -p "username:" emailtestuser read -p "password:" emailtestpass emailRootAdminemail $emailtestuser $emailtestpass } #Be sure it's running as root! if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ] then echo "Error: You must be ROOT to add users!" exit 1 else # selection= # until [ "$selection" = "0" ]; do echo "" echo "#==> Make your choice! <==#" echo "1 - Display Production/disk usage" echo "2 - Display free raw disk space" echo "------------------------------" echo "3 - New Production and User" echo "4 - Add a User to a Production" echo "------------------------------" echo "5 - Remove a Production and User(s)" echo "6 - Remove a single User" echo "------------------------------" echo "7 - Add users or reset all passwords via CSV file" echo "8 - Remove users via CSV file" echo "------------------------------" echo "9 - Enlarge a production volume" echo "10 - Password Creator" echo "11 - Password Reset" echo "------------------------------" echo "12 - Generate FTP user/pass Admin email" echo "" echo "q - exit program" echo "" read -p "Enter selection: " selection case $selection in 1 ) diskUsage ;; 2 ) rawSpace ;; 3 ) userProdAdd ;; 4 ) userAdd ;; 5 ) userProdDel ;; 6 ) userDel ;; 7 ) usersFromCSV ;; 8 ) echo "under construction" ;; 9 ) volExtend ;; 10 ) passGen ;; 11 ) passReset ;; 12 ) emailtest ;; q ) exit ;; * ) echo "You're that stupid huh... Try Again!" esac # done fiEnd
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