Friday, July 26, 2013

Applying a new StorNext license for HA/failover MDS

Applying a new StorNext license for HA / failover MDS configs.

The StorNext filesystems must be restarted to pickup the updated licenses, this will introduce a short service disruptions during the restart.

Do this on both MDSs:

   0) cd /usr/cvfs/config

   1) Rename the existing "license.dat" to something else in case we might need it later.

   2) Copy the new license file to the directory.

   3) Rename the new license file to "license.dat".

On the standby MDS (not necessarily MDS2, check cvadmin to see who is primary and who is standby):

   4) Make sure this is the standby MDS.   Use cvadmin to stop the snfs volumes.  (this will pickup the new licenses)

On the primary MDS:

   5) Use cvadmin to stop and then start of the snfs volumes.

Back on the standby MDS:

   6) Use cvadmin to start the snfs volumes.  (this will pickup the new licenses)

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